AE脚本|自动整理项目文件素材工具 OrganizerPro V1.2
OrganizerPro是一款After Effects自动整理项目文件和素材脚本。当你在After Effects中有大量的合成、预合成、图片、视频、音频等各种素材时,项目面板可能会变得非常混乱。OrganizerPro可以帮你自动整理这些文件,将不同类型的素材按文件类型分类存放到相应的文件夹里,比如合成文件会被放到合成文件夹中,图片会被放到图片文件夹中。它还能帮助你把项目中没用到的多余素材移到一个专门的文件夹里,保持项目的整洁。此外,它还提供归档功能,让你在完成项目后可以轻松打包所有相关文件。
Select the compositions you want to organize, and simply hit the button. OrganizerPro analyzes and sorts your project panel according to your selection and settings, all with just one click! Compositions, precompositions, images, videos, and audios are easily extracted from chaotic project files, while unnecessary items are moved into a separate folder. Share your presets with your team using a simple file, without disrupting anyone’s workflow.