AE脚本-图层样式编辑应用保存管理工具 Dresser v1.0.8+使用教程


脚本Dresser是在After Effects中编辑应用和保存图层样式的工具。通过减少大量点击,它将帮助您在使用图层样式时节省超过50%的时间。借助其内置的预设浏览器,您可以轻松保存和访问带有可自定义缩略图的预制样式。

Layer Styles the Easy Way! Dresser is the tool for editing applying and saving Layer Styles in After Effects.It will help you save more than 50% of your time when working with Layer Styles, by reducing a ton of clicks.And with it’s built-in Preset Browser it will make it easy for you to save and acces your pre-made styles with customisable thumbnails.

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