复古金属放大镜C4D模型(Octane / Cycles渲染器)

模型分类: 其它模型
模型格式: C4D
渲染器: Octane Render 其它渲染器
模型版权: 免费模型
复古金属放大镜C4D模型(Octane / Cycles渲染器) MAGNIFYING GLASS for OCTANE and CYCLES颜色矫正版本

CYCLES 4D版本 (Unaltered)

OCTANE版本 (Unaltered)

有很多人对来自德国的C4D大神“银翼”(Silverwing)使用Substance和OC制作的一张作品感兴趣,所以银翼就分享出来其中的一个带PBR材质的放大镜工程文件。如果你想要使用自己通过Substance生成的PBR贴图的话,只需要替换材质中的"Base-Color", "Metallic", "Roughness", 和 "Normal" 贴图,就可以得到一个非常不错的结果。
我知道在OC中的粗糙度并没有进行100%的映射(因为他不是基于线性的操作),如果你想要进一步的调整细节,我建议你使用图像的gamma来进行粗糙度的映射。如果要在Cycles中实现是相当的简单,因为他提供了一个叫Principled的着色器,用它来实现PBR的工作流程是相当的简单。渲染器版本需求:Octane for C4D v. 3.06.1 或更高版本,Cycles 4D 1.0.0202 或更高版本,文件包含内容:高质量的放大镜细分模型,材质和贴图,OBJ文件(便于适用于其他的软件)
需要查阅更多可以访问作者官网:www.silverwing-vfx.deSince I have been asked a lot and because people were interested about the Substance to octane bridge I made for the STILL LIFE RENDER here it finally is. The Magnifying Glass with PBR Textures.
So if you want to use your own Substance generated PBR textures in Octane / Cycles. Just replace the "Base-Color", "Metallic", "Roughness", and "Normal" Bitmaps in the material with your own and you should get a pretty convincing result.
I am aware that especially the roughness is not mapped 100% right in Octane (since its not behaving linearly). If you want to tweak it further I would suggest tweaking the gamma of the roughness input image.
Implementation in Cycles was pretty easy since it provides the new Principled Shader that is made for ease of use and and the PBR workflow.
For Octane for C4D v. 3.06.1 and newer
For Cycles 1.0.0202 and newer
High quality subdivision surface hand modeled magnifying glass
Materials and Textures
OBJ mesh for usage in other software

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