C4D阿诺德Arnold渲染器 SolidAngle C4DtoA 2.0.2 R16/R17/R18 Win/Mac AMPED破解版

软件性质: 插件
适用版本: C4D R15 - C4D R16 - C4D R17 - C4D R18
软件版本: Version: SolidAngle C4DtoA 2.0.2
系统平台: Win MAC
软件语言: 英文
插件来源: http://soft.c4d.cn
C4D阿诺德Arnold渲染器 SolidAngle C4DtoA 2.0.2 R16/R17/R18 Win/Mac AMPED破解版

如果安装后C4D  R17/R18打不开,请先卸载插件,然后把C4D R17/R18更新到最新版本,最后重新安装插件即可
全新的2.0版本,使用Arnold 核心,新增加多种Shader材质,VR摄像机,OSL shader,灯光等大量功能和性能提升
Fit to the selected region in the IPR
Create atmosphere shader from the render settings
X-Particles volume does not render
Limited fov in fisheye camera
Volume bounds slack parameter is not exposed
Occasional crashes with the Instancer
No motion blur when length is very small
Wrong gamma in the viewport when displaying a texture
Output channels (R, G, B, A ports) are not displayed in the network editor
The Arnold Renderer video post can not be created from a python script

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