灰猩猩HDRI贴图渲染预览调用C4D插件 GSG HDRI Link 1.0.5 for Cinema 4D R14-R18 Win/Mac
灰猩猩的这个HDRI Link插件可以让第三方渲染器例如Arnold, Octane, Cycles4D, V-Ray for C4D, iRay, Redshif等直接调用HDRI高动态贴图,并且快速渲染预览
HDRI Link is a workflow plugin that allows third-party renderers to connect with Greyscalegorilla’s extensive HDRI library via their intuitive Browser technology. Choosing the right HDRI for your scene is often done by trial and error. HDRI Link makes this process as easy as a click.Speed up your Lighting workflow in Arnold, Octane and other third party renderers with HDRI Link from Greyscalegorilla. We combined 5 years of experience making HDRI workflows as simple as possible with Cinema 4D and have finally brought it to Octane, Arnold, And other Third Party Renders.