C4D粒子系统讲解大师级训练视频教程FXPHD – C4D222 Cinema 4D Particles Masterclass
C4D粒子系统讲解大师级训练视频教程FXPHD – C4D222 Cinema 4D Particles Masterclass 免费下载在这期Cinema 4D Particle Masterclass粒子系统讲解大师级训练视频教程中,本课程主要讲解Cinema 4D基本粒子工具,并针对现实生活粒子制作的工作流问题提供解决方案。还包括发射器、粒子分层策略,以及X-Particles 3.5粒子插件工作流技巧和Thinking Particle TP粒子节点,最后讲解如何在粒子模拟工作中拓展研发思维。目前,作者Da Costa担任CGI艺术家和TD。Lukkien是一家拥有200多名员工的多媒体公司。它位于荷兰。除了做CGI,Da Costa还负责CGI相关的研发。他参加过许多国家和国际运动。例如飞利浦、先锋、MTV、Eneco、Schiphol机场、三星和丰田。
教程语言:英语无字幕(中文字幕需要有人商业翻译,不会凭空出现的)课程教学大纲CLASS 1Introduction, inspiration and working with particle layers.CLASS 2
Continuing discussion of particle layers and creating our first particle project from scratch.CLASS 3
Production tips, plan B’s, and discussing the R&D mindset, as well as creating our second particle scene.CLASS 4
Getting creative with emitters.CLASS 5
Thinking Particles, part 1.CLASS 6
Thinking Particles, part 2.CLASS 7
Debugging and troubleshootingCLASS 8
Discussing and creating smoke and fluid effects with X-particles