OC渲染器运动模糊快速设置提示教程 Applying Motion Blur in Octane Rende
OC渲染器运动模糊快速设置提示教程Cinema 4D Tutorial - Applying Motion Blur in Octane Rende
OC渲染器运动模糊快速设置提示教程Cinema 4D Tutorial - Applying Motion Blur in Octane Render 免费下载
在Cinema 4D和OctaneRender 3.06.2(OC渲染器) 的这个快速提示教程中,David Ariew将向您展示如何在Octane渲染器设置运动模糊,以及运动模糊错误或停止工作时该怎么做。 本教程将展示如何使用变换,变换/顶点模式和顶点速度模式,包括角色变形动画,照相机对象以及流体模拟产生的运动模糊。
In this quick tip for Cinema 4D and Octane Render, David Ariew will show you his standard settings for motion blur in Octane, as well as what to do when motion blur errors or stops working entirely. This tutorial will show how to use transform, transform/vertex modes, and vertex speed modes, and setups include motion blur for character deformations, objects parented to the camera, and motion blur for fluid sims.