C4D体育栏目包装片头动画制作视频教程 Creating a MoGraph Sports Intro Animatic
C4D体育栏目包装片头动画制作视频教程Cineversity Creating a MoGraph Sports Intro Animatic Series Overview
在本系列Cinema 4D视频教程中,我们将从开始到结束构建一个Mograph运动图形体育栏目包装片头介绍动画。使用故事板作为我们制作的参考路线,我们将使用几何体和一些简单的建模,尽可能的保持简单,这样可以保持Cinema 4d R18的viewports并快速渲染。然后我们将使用mograph模块,移动摄像机设备和一些简单的关键帧动画,将我们的场景带到生活中。在此之后,我们将使用Cinema 4D R18增强的open gl硬件选项进行优化,并使用硬件预览来输出我们的工作,然后再切换到Adobe Premiere Pro进行最终剪辑。在Premiere中,我们将使用一些基本工具在几分钟内完成一个粗略的剪辑,然后看看如何堆栈跟踪,使片子变得容易被客户审查。
In this series we will build a mograph sports intro animatic from start to finish. Using storyboards as our roadmap, we’ll use primitives and some simple modeling to keep the geometry as simple as possible which keeps the Cinema viewports and renders fast. Then we’ll use the mograph module, motion camera rigs and some simple keyframed animation to bring our scenes to life. After that we’ll sweeten the look with r18’s enhanced open gl hardware options and use hardware previews to output our work before switching to Adobe Premiere Pro for final assembly. Once in Premiere, we’ll use some basic tools to knock out a rough cut in just a few minutes and then see how to stack tracks making versioned renders easy to spit out for client review.