C4D阿诺德渲染器材质全面培训视频教程 Developing Realistic shaders in Arnold

C4D阿诺德渲染器材质全面培训视频教程Mographplus – Developing Realistic shaders in Arnold for Cinema 4d Vol 02

在这期C4D教程中,主要学习了如何在Cinema 4D使用阿诺德渲染器开发高级和真实的材质着色器。这是mographplus系列课程的第二卷,旨在介绍创建复杂和现实的着色器的工具和工作流程。包括三个主要的着色器类别,木材,皮革和半透明着色。
In this series of premium tutorials, in more than 9 hours, we learn how to develop advanced and realistic shaders in Arnold for Cinema 4d.This is the Second volume of a series of courses created at mographplus.com intended to introduce the tools and workflows for creating complex and realistic shaders,  utilizing Solid angle’s Arnold renderer in Cinema 4d.Our goal in this course is not only how to create realistic shaders but before that how to train your eyes to see real world surfaces and analyze their features, and then recreate those surfaces and shaders in Arnold.
In the second volume will be covering three major shader categories, wood, leather and translucent shaders.For each category, first we try to familiarize you with the features of that shader type in real world and then show you how to recreate those features using Arnold shaders and nodes.
使用软件:Adobe After Effects, Arnold For Cinema 4d, Maxon Cinema 4d


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