C4D R19运动图形MG动画全面基础入门视频教程Cinema 4D R19 Motion Graphics
C4D R19运动图形MG动画全面基础入门视频教程 Lynda – Cinema 4D R19 Essential Training: Motion Graphics
在这期C4D R19视频教程中,探索最新版本的Cinema 4D R19 MoGraph工具核心技术。主要学习基础概念,如样条模拟,照明和材质,这对于了解3D应用程序的功能至关重要。Andy Needham涵盖了挤出形状的实用技术; 使用MoGraph工具,如克隆和效果器; 并为完全实现的3D运动图形添加照明和摄像机视图。 另外,了解如何将Adobe Illustrator,合成多通道渲染与After Effects和C4D工作流集成在一起,并使用Takes System尝试不同的材质和设置,并根据您需要的精确尺寸和分辨率导出项目。
入门 |4小时31分 |2.39 GB|包含项目文件 |使用软件 CINEMA 4D R19
Cinema 4D R19 Essentials: Motion Graphics introduces intermediate artists to the Cinema 4D workflow. If you’re new to Cinema 4D, please check out Learning Cinema 4D R19, which starts at the very beginning and introduces you to how the software works. Here, learn key foundational concepts, such as spline modeling, lighting, and materials, which are crucial to understanding exactly how this 3D application functions. Instructor Andy Needham covers practical techniques for extruding shapes; working with MoGraph tools such as Cloners and Effectors; and adding lighting and camera views for fully realized 3D motion graphics. Plus, find out how to integrate assets from Adobe Illustrator, composite multipass renders with the After Effects and C4D workflow, and use the Takes System to try different materials and settings and export your projects in the exact sizes and resolutions you need.
- [Instructor] This course is aimed at beginners new to C4D and motion graphics, so chapters will start off at a slower pace to build a foundation of understanding, and then we'll pick up as we progress through each chapter. If you're unfamiliar with Cinema 4D I19, I'd advise you to watch the course on getting started and then come back here. This is not a project course. It's a course about teaching different areas of the software which will aid your motion graphics workflow. It's about teaching techniques and methods to set you up for success when working with Cinema 4D so you'll feel confident to take on any project that comes your way.
The worlds of V effects and motion graphics tend to cross paths quite often, with some motion graphics artists taking on tasks which would be considered as V effects, such as rotor scoping or motion tracking. While we can't cover everything here, we have created additional courses in this Cinema 4D I19 series which teach other aspects of the software. So if there's something missing from this course, you'll likely find it covered elsewhere. Finally, some knowledge of after effects is useful, but not essential when we come to our chapter on getting work out of Cinema 4D.
I hope you enjoy this course and find it useful. If you have any comments or questions, please get in touch.
Topics include:
Setting up scenes
Modeling with splines
Using Illustrator files in C4D
Extruding depth and detail
Animating in the Timeline
Creating clones
Using Effectors
Lighting motion graphics
Applying materials
Creating animated materials
Compositing multipass renders in After Effects
Rendering motion graphics in C4D