CINEMA 4D赛车建模视频教程 Introduction to Modeling in CINEMA 4D R15
CINEMA 4D赛车建模视频教程 DigitalTutors - Introduction to Modeling in CINEMA 4D R15
视频时长:3h 4m
In this tutorial, we'll use a project-based approach as we cover the basics of modeling, look at commonly used tools and talk about some time-saving tips and techniques.
We'll begin by looking at polygons and how CINEMA 4D works with that geometry. Along the way we’ll look at a variety of polygon modeling tools you can use in your daily work - tools like the Knife, Extrude and Bevel. We'll also learn to use generators to create geometry from primitive or custom splines. We'll learn to smooth objects with a Subdivision surface and how we can modulate the edge hardness.
We won't be covering all of CINEMA 4D's modeling tools, but rather focus on the tools that you're going to find most useful as you begin the modeling process. Once you have a better understanding of how these tools work together, you’ll be able to create your own modeling solutions and really come up with a workflow that’s comfortable to you.
For an additional learning resource, download your free copy of our Key Modeling Terms Reference Guide and PDF so you can get comfortable with important 3D modeling terminology.
1 Introduction and project overview 01:04
Introduction to polygons 2 Introduction to polygons 05:57
Hierarchy and workflow concepts 3 Hierarchy and workflow concepts 06:11
Using generators 4 Using generators 06:10
Project overview 5 Project overview 03:31
Setting up reference images 6 Setting up reference images 03:31
Building the body using polygons 7 Building the body using polygons 06:44
Detailing the body 8 Detailing the body 07:31
Finishing the body 9 Finishing the body 07:10
Building the tire 10 Building the tire 05:23
Modeling the wheel 11 Modeling the wheel 06:46
Completing the wheel 12 Completing the wheel 06:53
Building the screw head 13 Building the screw head 05:35
Adding the tire tread 14 Adding the tire tread 07:14
Building the shock 15 Building the shock 07:36
Modeling the frame 16 Modeling the frame 07:08
Building the undercarriage 17 Building the undercarriage 04:25
Modeling the spring connectors 18 Modeling the spring connectors 07:03
Connecting the wheels and springs 19 Connecting the wheels and springs 06:16
Modeling the spoiler 20 Modeling the spoiler 07:31
Connecting the spoiler to the frame 21 Connecting the spoiler to the frame 05:12
Modeling the bumper 22 Modeling the bumper 05:19
Adding the top cover 23 Adding the top cover 06:07
Building the antenna 24 Building the antenna 04:09
Blocking out the remote control 25 Blocking out the remote control 05:22
Building the controls 26 Building the controls 06:11
Creating the remote surface detail 27 Creating the remote surface detail 06:16
Adding the switch 28 Adding the switch 06:22
Adding simple materials 29 Adding simple materials 07:31
Creating a UV layout 30 Creating a UV layout 05:02
Adding textures 31 Adding textures 07:29