CINEMA 4D使用Octane Render制作发光的蓝色水晶教程(包含工程文件)

CINEMA 4D使用Octane Render制作发光的蓝色水晶教程(包含工程文件)

Creating "Blue crystal" style frame
In this tutorial you will learn how to create beautiful crystal using knife tool and voronoi modifer in C4D. For render we will use Octane.
Step by step
Creating a crystal consists of several simple steps.
The basis for the crystal is a box, modified with LINE CUT and CLOSE POLYGON HOLE. To make it more complex we fracture it using VORONOI FRACTURE. Use CONNECT to fracture all the clones. For light we use HDRI collection from GSG. Materials are from Pixels Lab material pack for Octane and Real Displacement Collection.



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