CINEMA 4D创建有机结构风格框架视频教程(含工程文件)
CINEMA 4D创建有机结构风格框架视频教程(含工程文件)
Creating "Organic structure" style frame
In this tutorial you will see how to create very stylish organic structure. Can be used for motion.
In this tutorial we will use a few intersting techniques. First of all we need to create form of our object, for that we gonna tear a sphere with cloth surface and turbulence simulation. Next step will be searching form for ous cells. We will use subdivision surface, iron, remove n-gons, optimize. Don't forget to make a selection, we will use it later to put different material to model. Than we use mograph function - MoExtrude to extrude cells and displcer to give more intersting form to extueded cells. After that - subdivision surface to give model organic view and applying materials step. To grow selection use U>Y. We will use materials from Octane LiveDB and PixelLab. HDRI's are from GSG.