C4D R19摄像机跟踪反求投射视觉特效视频教程Lynda – Cinema 4D R19 Essentials: VFX
C4D R19摄像机跟踪反求投射视觉特效视频教程Lynda – Cinema 4D R19 Essentials: VFX含英文字幕 免费下载探索Cinema 4D R19视觉特效和融入真人拍摄工作流。Andy Needham在本课程中主要讨论了运动跟踪的重要性,以及如何使用运动跟踪器来跟踪和解决镜头。还包括导入模型和优化模型,使用新的多边形减少和细节水平的对象;Cinema 4D动画;创建不同类型的材质和三维镜头灯光照明。再加上,他展示了如何使用相机校准标签,以及如何合成多通道渲染。Explore the Cinema 4D workflow for creating VFX and integrating them into live action shots. This course explores key concepts that are crucial to understanding exactly how this 3D application functions. Instructor Andy Needham discusses the importance of motion tracking, and how to track and solve a shot using the motion tracker. He also covers importing models and optimizing the models with the new polygon reduction and level of detail object; animating in Cinema 4D; creating different types of materials; and lighting 3D shots. Plus, he shows how to use the Camera Calibration tag, and how to composite multipass renders.Adobe CC 2018 软件破解版(中文/英文版)Adobe Creative Cloud 2018 Win/Mac 免费下载 :http://c4dsky.com/40132.html下载地址: