C4D UV贴图绘制插件 GLD UVPaint v1.1.8 For Cinema 4D R17 Win
UVPaint is designed to stre amline and improve your workflows when working with multiple materials, UDIMS, texturing, sculpting and painting.
Win,Cinema 4D R17
UVPaint is designed to stre amline and improve your workflows when working with multiple materials, UDIMS, texturing, sculpting and painting.
For Studio or BodyPaint u sers UVPaint also contains a real-time projection painting brush built on top of the sculpting syst em. It allows you to paint stamps, stencils and regular brush dabs
down onto your Polygona l Models directly in the OpenGL viewport of Cinema 4D. It works with the same BodyPaint interface and allows you to paint on any layer or mask that is selected in