C4D地球地点连线插件 TGS Lon-Lat Connection Kit V3.0 For Cinema 4D R16-R19

软件性质: 插件
适用版本: C4D R15 - C4D R16 - C4D R17 - C4D R18 - C4D R19
软件版本: Version:TGS Lon-Lat Connection Kit V3.0
系统平台: Win MAC
软件语言: 英文
插件来源: http://www.cgufo.com
C4D地球地点连线插件 TGS Lon-Lat Connection Kit V3.0 For Cinema 4D R16-R19
LON-LAT Connection Kit V3, a geo-location creation toolkit for Maxon’s Cinema 4D.
Create accurate locations and connections on the globe:
easy selection and creation of locations from a list with thousands of cities
easy creation of connections between location
file parsing for creating large amounts of locations and connections
parametric settings for the created locations and connections
OMS for searching cities
Win/Mac,Cinema 4D R16/R17/R18/R19
拷贝LON-LAT Connection Kit V3.0文件夹到C4D安装目录下的plugins下
打开C4D,在脚本-用户脚本-运行脚本,选择LON-LAT_V3.0_LicGen.py,在这个文件夹里就会自动生成license.lic许可文件,拷贝到和插件LON-LAT Connection Kit V3.0文件夹里面一起然后重启C4D
Create accurate locations and connections on the globe:
– easy selection and creation of locations from a list with thousands of cities
– easy creation of connections between location
– file parsing for creating large amounts of locations and connections
– parametric settings for the created locations and connections
– OMS for searching cities


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