Cinema 4D使用Fusion在视频中添加三维对象教程
C4D使用Fusion在视频中添加三维对象教程 Cinema 4D and Fusion – Adding Realistic 3D Objects to your Footage Tutorial
在这期C4D教程中,Anmeko Production House教大家如何使用C4D结合Fusion为你的视频素材添加真实的三维对象,教程涉及到的知识点包括C4D运动跟踪Motion tracking,对象置换, Octane渲染器多通道管理,DOF景深和动态模糊设置,以及一些Fusion后期合成制作技巧。
In this tutorial by Anmeko Production House, you’ll learn how to add realistic 3D objects to your footage using Cinema 4D and Blackmagic Fusion.
Topics covered include:
Motion tracking
Track refinement
Objects placement
Passes management in Octane
DOF and Motion Blur setup
Some post-production tips