C4D RS渲染器材质包合集The Pixel Lab – Redshift C4D Material Pack 免费下载
Redshift是世界上第一个完全GPU加速,有偏差的渲染器,支持多GPU,基于节点的阴影,核心渲染。 Redshift C4D Material Pack是一套由The Pixel Lab出品,包含135组材质包,2K纹理贴图,渲染器需要Redshift V2.5.46 For C4D,支持Cinema 4D R16-Cinema 4D R19
I’m very excited to be diving into the Redshift world! This is the first ever C4D Redshift Material Pack (that we know of)! Materials were created by my friend Mark from MSJPhotography.com. (Texture ball model courtesy of Paulo Barrelas of ultradigital.pt)135 pre-made complex materials so you can save time and limit your node tree headaches!