C4D最强爆炸破碎插件Nitro4D NitroMoFracture v1.04 Win/Mac R18/R19 破解版+视频教程
Nitro4D NitroMoFracture v1.04 是一款用于3D对象压裂,破碎,破坏和爆破的C4D插件。它允许你更容易和快速地利用这些破碎功能。复杂破碎模拟,只需点击几下即可实现。主要围绕你的对象,改变尺度,方向和旋转,剩下的就交给NitroMoFracture。这是一个伟大的插件。使用NitroMoFracture你可以花更多的时间创造非常酷的东西,而不是花时间在技术上。
h NitroMoFracture! Simple scene setup, just add the amazing new tool for AutoFracture to your object(s) in your scene, change some settings, hit play and see the results in real-time. Very easy to make changes to see different ideas.There is also the PaintTool to limit facturing to just where you paint. The PaintTool has access to the main plugin helping you to easily add fracturing, dynamics, materials, etc.
C4D插件支持:Cinema 4D R19,Cinema 4D R18
PS:插件资源转载自书生大神的网站c4dsky.com,感谢书生前辈的分享! |