500个C4D Octane Render材质预设 The Pixel Lab Material Pack for OctaneRender 3
500个C4D Octane Render材质预设 The Pixel Lab Material Pack for OctaneRender 3
版 本:安装有Octane渲染器的C4D,支持中文版/英文版C4D
插 件:Octane渲染器
格 式:.lib4d
大 小:490MB
I’m extremely excited to share that The Pixel Lab “Material Pack” is now converted to an OctaneRender ready version! The pack includes over 500 C4D materials/textures to help you speed up your workflow and focus on being creative! OctaneRender has taken the world by storm and is setting the bar high for GPU renderers. Install this pack and you can dive in to Octane with tons of great materials/textures so you can hit the ground running.
Win:C:\Program Files\MAXON\CINEMA 4D R18\library\browser
Mac:/Applications/MAXON/CINEMA 4D R18/library/browser