Maya 2018人物绑定教程 Pluralsight – Parallel-friendly Rigging in Maya 2018

Maya 2018人物绑定教程 Pluralsight – Parallel-friendly Rigging in Maya 2018

在Maya 2016中就有了平行演化模式,本教程介绍在Maya 2018中进行平行友好绑定动画教程

Parallel Evaluation mode was first introduced in Maya 2016 to increase animation performance through parallel processing and GPU acceleration. Maya 2018 continues to enhance parallel performance with various improvements, including the expansion of GPU supported nodes. In this course, Parallel-friendly Rigging in Maya 2018, you’ll learn Parallel Evaluation, build a parallel-friendly rig, and provide performance debugging techniques. First, you’ll discover how Maya’s Parallel Evaluation is computed in comparison to DG Evaluation. Next, you’ll learn to apply knowledge into prototyping a parallel-friendly rig. Finally, you’ll explore some performance debugging techniques. By the end of this course, you’ll have a better understanding of Parallel Rigging

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