Reaflow C4D互导插中英双语汉化版 RFconnect Cinema 4d Win 支持R15-R19-R20
RFconnect Cinema 4d 互导连接插件包含一组工具,用于Realflow 10与Cinema 4D之间建立桥梁,实现Realflow粒子导入/导出,SD文件导入/导出,Realflow网格导入/导出。 默认情况下,RealFlow编写的数据无法在Cinema 4D中加载和处理。 另一方面,Cinema 4D的对象几何,UV坐标和粒子也不能在RealFlow通用平台中使用,RFconnect 插件就孕育而生。支持Cinema 4d R15-R19-R20。
安装时选择对应插件目录即可,默认是C4D R20插件目录
RealFlow's “Connectivity Plugins for Cinema 4D” contain a set of tools to establish a bridge between both programs. The data, written by RealFlow, cannot be loaded and processed in Cinema 4D by default. Cinema 4D's object geometry, UV coordinates, and particles, on the other hand, cannot be used in RealFlow without a common platform.