C4D模型封口拓扑插件Nitro4D NitroCap v1.2 For Cinema 4D R15-R20 Win/Mac
NitroCap是一款由Nitro4D开发的C4D模型封口拓扑插件,一个简单易用的C4D工具,填补了Cinema建模工具集缺少的漏洞,NitroCap可以通过单击很容易地对对象添加封顶。然后,用户可以动态地更改新创建的Cap的分辨率和拓扑结构,而且还可以对封口面做旋转、面片数的增加和减少、挤出、光滑等。you want close hole in your model and you have great topology this plugin can do with just one clickwith this plugin you can close easy hole like quads to have great topology with just one click , there is also more stuff , you can you can change rotate polygons in cap , increase decrease polygons , change curve shape polygon , extrude polygon , smooth polygons
支持的软件版本:Cinema 4D R15或者更高版本,Win/Mac