11538三维文字遮罩时间线片头AE模版,Vintage Timeline Title
11538三维文字遮罩时间线片头AE模版,Vintage Timeline Title
Vintage Timeline Title is a modern and clean AE Project. Gives you the ability to create absolutely stunning presentation/title with your texts and colors. Just paste your text or logos and change colors
Video Features :
- Resolution: 1920×1080 Full HD
- 06 media holders (use videos or pictures)
- Video tutorial included
- No plugins
- Color Controller
- Easy to use even for a begginer
- Modular structure
- Works with all languages of After Effect
If you don’t have an After Effects, any required 3rd-party plugins, time or necessary Hardware Power to set up the project, I can offer you customization and render service for fee. You can e-mail me through contact form on my profile page. This offer is available not only for my project, but also for all videohive projects!
Audio file is not included, you can purchase it from AudioPizza