第150期中文字幕翻译教程《Octane Render渲染引擎在C4D中基础核心技术训练视频教程》
OctaneRender是一款流行的Cinema 4D第三方渲染引擎。比标准的CPU渲染器的渲染时间短得多。本教程中,Mograph艺术家Andy Needham为我们介绍了如何用这款工具进行3D建模和设计。课程由快速入门指南开始,旨在用30分钟或者更少的时间帮助大家了解这款渲染引擎。然后Andy会带领我们进一步探索Live Viewer——这款引擎的核心(为我们提供项目的即时视觉反馈),以及Octane的C4D布局。然后深入讲解材质,包括Octane 3. 08中新增的混合和金属材质、Octane灯光系统、以及薄透镜相机(用来制作景深和运动模糊等特效)。Andy还带领我们回顾了Octane Scatter、体积特效如雾气,以及新的Toon材质和灯光。他为我们展示了如何优化渲染设置,以及使用多通道操作流程以获得最大的灵活性操作空间并控制整个场景。最后课程以一个挑战任务结尾,大家可以通过完成任务来练习新学到的技能。
Octane Render是世界上第一个真正意义上的基于GPU、全能、基于物理渲染的渲染器。这意味着什么?只使用你计算机上的视频卡,就可以获得更快、更逼真的渲染结果…相比传统的基于CPU渲染,它可以使得用户可以花费更少的时间就可以获得十分出色的作品。
Octane Render不仅快速,而且完全交互,允许你以过去想都不敢想的工作方式去工作,例如,编辑灯光、材质、摄像机设置、景深等等,你还可以实时获得渲染结果。它也允许超乎你的想象的速度去工作。在新的渲染方式下,你将更像是一个摄影师一样去探索你的场景。Octane Render让渲染再次变成了一件有趣的事情。
OctaneRender is a popular third-party render engine for Cinema 4D. It renders images in a much shorter time than a standard CPU renderer. In this course, mograph artist Andy Needham introduces members to this critical tool for 3D modeling and design. It begins with a quick-start guide, designed to get you up and running with Octane in 30 minutes or less. Andy then explores the Live Viewer—the heart of the engine, which provides instant visual feedback on your project—and C4D layouts for Octane. Then dive deep into materials, including the blend and metallic materials introduced in Octane 3.08; the Octane lighting system; and the thin-lens camera, which enables effects such as depth of field and motion blur. Andy also reviews Octane Scatter, volumetric effects like fog, and the new Toon materials and lights. He shows how to optimize your render settings and use a multi-pass workflow to enable you to get the most flexibility and control over your scene. The course wraps up with a challenge that will allow you to practice your newfound skills.
Topics include:
What is OctaneRender?
Framing shots
Adding materials and lights
Rendering your first image
Using the Live Viewer
Creating Octane materials
Mixing and blending materials
Working with lights and cameras
Rendering objects such as hair, particles, and fog
Creating render settings presets
Rendering animation
[Instructor] Octane Render for Cinema 4D…is a plugin that extends Cinema 4Ds rendering capabilities…to use OTOY's Octane GPU Render engine…inside Cinema 4Ds layout.…It's important to note that Octane currently…only works with Nvidia GPUs,…because it utilizes CUDA cores during rendering.…I wanted to share some examples of work in this movie…and you can see on the OTOY website…the background image here is by an artist called…Cornelius Dammrich.…
If we look at Cornelius' page you can see…it's this 55 hertz image here…and if we scroll down you can see…the image in all it's glory there…and you can notice that there's so much detail going on…and there's a really lovely quality of light…to this image as well.…The one thing I admire about Cornelius' work is…the level of detail that he gets into his renders.…He works for months and months and…it really shows, it really shows how much effort…he puts into these things.…
Raphael Rau is a rendering master…and if you come onto his website you will see that…he uses many render engines not only Octane,…