笔刷绘制破碎C4D插件Cineversity CV-Paint Fracture Cinema 4D R19/R20

笔刷绘制破碎C4D插件Cineversity CV-Paint Fracture Cinema 4D R19/R20

CV-Paint Fracture是一款由Cineversity 出品的C4D破碎插件脚本,可以通过毛发工具准确地绘制破碎位置,CV-Paint Fracture脚本使用交互式画笔在你想要的地方创建切割,并本地化细节,当然也可以删除破碎点。可以完美地结合R19 Voronoi Fracture工具,对三维对象进一步补充。
Easily fracture objects exactly where you want to.A script that streamlines the process of setting up a hair object to be used as a Fracture Source. Use a paintbrush to interactively fracture your objects. Create cuts exactly where you want them, and localize detail for totally art-directable destruction. A wonderful addition to the automatic connectors system added to the Voronoi Fracture object in R19.
适用于 Cinema 4D Studio R19及更高版本(Hair Tools)

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