C4D Thinkbox Krakatoa粒子渲染器中文汉化版 Thinkbox Krakatoa C4D 2.6.3 Win/Mac
C4D Thinkbox Krakatoa粒子渲染器中文汉化版 Thinkbox Krakatoa C4D 2.6.3 Win/Mac
Krakatoa for CINEMA 4D(众所周知也可以简写为Krakatoa C4D或KK C4D或C4D KK渲染器)是一个体积粒子渲染插件, 支持Mac OSX和微软Windows操作系统。Thinkbox Krakatoa C4D完全集成在CINEMA 4D用户界面。它实现了各种专门的场景对象像PRT外部文件加载粒子序列,PRT体积和PRT表面几何量和表面点云转换。支持原生 CINEMA 4D发射器和TP的粒子,以及第三方X-Particles 4粒子插件和Turbulence FD流体水墨烟雾特效插件,还支持本地通过专用的中间对象。
Krakatoa支持两种主要的粒子工作流 - 直接通过Krakatoa中间对象渲染动态模拟粒子,或者首先将粒子缓存到文件序列,然后渲染PRT Loader对象。两种方法都有其优点和缺点。
Krakatoa for CINEMA 4D was designed to render most particle sources available in the host application including legacy Emitters, Thinking Particles, X-Particles and Turbulence FD. Krakatoa provides dedicated conversion objects for each of these particle source types.In addition, Krakatoa C4D also implements several special particle generator objects including PRT Volume and PRT Surface for converting mesh volumes and surfaces to point clouds, a PRT Fractal for procedural particle generation in 3D fractal patterns, and a PRT Loader object for loading various particle file formats including Thinkbox’ .PRT file format, RealFlow .BIN files, and .CSV comma-separated values files.
Thinkbox Krakatoa C4D支持:
Cinema 4d R14,Cinema 4d R15,Cinema 4d R16,Cinema 4d R17,Cinema 4d R18,Cinema 4D R19