11825唯美大气图文展示动画AE模版,Stylish Slideshow
11825唯美大气图文展示动画AE模版,Stylish Slideshow
- 100% After Effects
- No plug-in required
- After Effects CS5 and above
- Video tutorial is included
- 4K, 2K & 1080p Resolution
- Link for free font included
- Well-organized and easy-to-edit
- Universal Expressions ( Works with any language of After Effects )
- Full color controls for texts & other elements
- 28 Media Plaeholders
- 15 Text Placeholders
- The audio file is not included, but you can click on Upbeat summer pop link to download it
[cuvideo width="100%" height="460" url="https://cloud.video.taobao.com//play/u/711448761/p/1/e/6/t/1/216564675158.mp4" auto="no" images="/wp-content/plugins/cuplayerVideo/player/images/startpic.jpg" ]视频标题[/cuvideo]