11940烈火燃烧logo演绎动画AE模版,Logo Reveal Fire
11940烈火燃烧logo演绎动画AE模版,Logo Reveal Fire
- After Effects CS5.5 and above
- FullHD resolution
- No 3rd party plugins needed
- Easy to customize (drag your logo and click render)
- You can choose one of three textures (paper, wood, leather) or use your own image, texture, photo.
- Music track are not included
- Music you can find here
[cuvideo width="100%" height="460" url="https://cloud.video.taobao.com//play/u/711448761/p/1/e/6/t/1/217330437266.mp4" auto="no" images="/wp-content/plugins/cuplayerVideo/player/images/startpic.jpg" ]视频标题[/cuvideo]