12290电影文字特效AE模版,Cinematic Titles

12290电影文字特效AE模版,Cinematic Titles


Cinematic Titles Project Guidelines

the project has a total of 8 editable text.
you can find the editable texts comps in the “editable comps” folder, just double click on them to edit.
all lens flares are rendered so you don’t need any extra plugins.

also no 3rd party plugin is used so you also don’t need to install any plugins.

*the font used in the project is “ghost theory” and the link to the free font is below.



[cuvideo width="100%" height="460" url="https://cloud.video.taobao.com//play/u/711448761/p/1/e/6/t/1/219064525635.mp4" auto="no" images="/wp-content/plugins/cuplayerVideo/player/images/startpic.jpg" ]视频标题[/cuvideo]

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