12291简洁字幕条动画AE模版,Social Media Networks
12291简洁字幕条动画AE模版,Social Media Networks
Social Media Networks Project Guidelines
The project has the famous editable Social Media compositions in which you can edit your company name and editable texts.
All the compositions have 2 versions of it.
No Plugins are required.
1-Logo and editable text with background. 2-Lower third of the same logo and editable text which your can use in your other comps.
There are total 7 famous Social Networks logos included in the project which are; Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Youtube, Yahoo, Instagram and Google+
Also another 3 editable compositions are included also with their Lower Thirds in which you can insert your company logo and change the color of the composition.
To edit your text in one of the Social Media Comps For Example for Facebook;
1-Go under COMPS-FACEBOOK and from there either select FACEBOOK_MAINCOMP or FACEBOOK_LOWERTHIRD compositions to edit your text.
*To edit and create your own composition with your company logo and color scheme for example for your logo project;
1-Go under COMPS-YOURLOGO_1 and from there first double click YOURLOGO_1_ICON_EDITABLE comp and insert your company logo by deleting other layers except the whitsolid which is the frame for that comp.
2-Then go under YOURLOGO_1_MAINCOMP and you will see the cube has your logo replaced.
3-From There first select YOURLOGO_1_BAR and go to “Effects” panel and from the “Master Hue” arrange the color for your color scheme.
4-Also go to BACKGROUND comp and also go to “Effects” panel and from the “Master Hue” arrange the color for your color scheme to set the background color.
5-Then edit the text relevant to your subject.
6-To edit the Lower Third go under COMPS-YOURLOGO_1 and doubleclick YOURLOGO_1_LOWERTHIRD.
7-Click the YOURLOGO_1_BAR_LOWERTHIRD and go to “Effects” panel and from the “Master Hue” arrange the color for your color scheme.
[cuvideo width="100%" height="460" url="https://cloud.video.taobao.com//play/u/711448761/p/1/e/6/t/1/219167055522.mp4" auto="no" images="/wp-content/plugins/cuplayerVideo/player/images/startpic.jpg" ]视频标题[/cuvideo]