12296现代唯美图文展示动画AE模版,Modern Promo Slideshow

12296现代唯美图文展示动画AE模版,Modern Promo Slideshow


Modern Promo Slideshow is compatible with After Effects CS5.5 and above
Ultra HD 3840×2160, Full HD 1920×1080, HD 1280×720
no plug-ins
2 version included
very easy to use just drag & drop your video or image
lots of color presets
compatible with After Effects in any language
you can add videos, images
video tutorial included
link to font included
images and videos from preview not included
audio by soundroll A Better Days not included


[cuvideo width="100%" height="460" url="https://cloud.video.taobao.com//play/u/711448761/p/1/e/6/t/1/219014016255.mp4" auto="no" images="/wp-content/plugins/cuplayerVideo/player/images/startpic.jpg" ]视频标题[/cuvideo]

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