C4D搭配RizomUV,SP软件展UV教程Cinema 4D to Rizom UV to Substance Painter Workflow
C4D搭配RizomUV,SP软件展UV教程Cinema 4D to Rizom UV to Substance Painter Workflow
相信很多Cinema 4D用户都不喜欢UV。感觉很麻烦也很枯燥。在这期C4D视频教程中,来自MotionWork的John Dickinson讲解如何解决多个UV设置问题,并展示如何在Cinema 4D,RizomUV(一个非常专业且功能强大的独立UV工具)和Substance Painter之间使用实时链接工作流。作者John Dickinson也提供了一些见解,帮助大家如何掌握RizomUV添加到C4D管道流程。
作者John Dickinson是一名来自MotionWork(总部位于澳大利亚悉尼)的运动图形设计师,培训师和主持人,专门研究Adobe After Effects和Maxon Cinema 4D。通过Motionworks,John结合了19年的行业经验和成熟的教学能力,提供高质量的学习资源,鼓励和挑战参与者在自己的工作中突破新的卓越水平和影响力。
I just started using Rizom UV and spent some time working out a possible workflow between Cinema 4D and Substance Painter via Rizom UV. Check out Part 2 to see how i solved the multiple UV Set issue and also more detail on the Substance Painter Live Link workflow.Continuing from Part 1, in this tutorial I demonstrate how I solved the multiple UV set issue and show how I use the Substance Painter Live Link workflow between Cinema 4D Redshift and Substance Painter.