12670-20组创意文字标题动画AE模版,Badges and title animations

12670-20组创意文字标题动画AE模版,Badges and title animations


“Badges / Title Animations For Wedding And Special Events” is a high quality graphic pack, well organized and easy customizing template. made specially for anyone who wants a high quality badges and animated title to enhance his work…. in easy, clear and attractive mode. all work was done in after effects, this template based on 10 badges and 11 title animations you can use each one separately. a useful interactive colours corrector control which will help you to change easy with one click all colours and effects. with the ability to change the colours separately for each badges or title


[cuvideo width="100%" height="460" url="https://cloud.video.taobao.com//play/u/711448761/p/1/e/6/t/1/220367095158.mp4" auto="no" images="/wp-content/plugins/cuplayerVideo/player/images/startpic.jpg" ]视频标题[/cuvideo]

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